Training Program


Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) abruptly occur. Bystanders are the key to saving more lives - if well equipped.

Fellows who seek to understand and improve OHCA are being actively recruited. They will be trained to become the next generation of resuscitation scientists with a unique understanding of the entire translational spectrum involved in optimizing cardiac arrest outcomes. Potential areas of focus include discovery and preclinical testing of neuroprotective therapies, clinical trials of neuroprotective therapies, and utilization of a learning health system approach to optimize the system of care for OHCA including implementation of novel therapies by bystanders and first-responder.


  • Two years of training in your chosen module of interest - basic, clinical, or population science - with an individual development plan.
  • An opportunity to become an expert in your research module and gain critical insight into the synergistic role of all three scientific areas in improving cardiac arrest outcomes.
  • A 1-2 month session in each of the other two research areas to gain valuable insight into the OHCA research challenges.
  • Immersion in a series of lectures, tutorials, grant writing workshops, and OHCA-focused organizational group meetings.
  • Work closely with Oakland University, a collaborating university in an urban EMS setting, and other AHA SFRN center visits.
  • Access to resources in the Michigan Center for Integrative Research in Critical Care (MCIRCC) to introduce you to the principles and culture of disruptive innovation.


  • Dr. David J. Pinsky - M-RISE Training Director, Division Chief of Cardiovascular Medicine at Michigan Medicine, and a Director of the University of Michigan Frankel Cardiovascular Center
  • M-RISE Steering Committee - In conjunction with Dr. Pinsky, the committee will assist in Fellow selection, curriculum design, Fellow performance evaluation, participate in competency-based assessments, and steering overall Training Program focus.
  • Primary Mentor - Each Fellow will choose a primary mentor from one of the major projects who will meet with them weekly and will ensure that the Fellows 1) participate in didactics, 2) develop their writing skills, 3) develop their speaking skills, and 4) craft an individual development plan in conjunction with the training director and steering committee.
  • MCIRCC Innovation Ecosystem– MCIRCC is the nation’s leader in transforming critical care through innovation, integration, and entrepreneurship. Through MCIRCC, you will have access to leaders and resources in product design and development, data analytics, clinical and preclinical trial tools, and other assets to help you develop the next generation of digital health, diagnostics, devices, and therapeutics for cardiac arrest.


MDs, MD/PhDs, and PhDs with a background or interest in cardiac arrest. Examples include:

Graduating MD/PhD students and Post-doctoral PhD candidates looking for training opportunities

Graduating residents of:

  • Internal Medicine
  • Emergency Medicine

Graduating fellows of:

  • Cardiology
  • Critical Care
  • Emergency Medical Services

We are currently accepting applications for a flexible start date.

Direct questions, or apply by sending your cover letter and CV, to Betty Hoss.

M-RISE Postdoctoral Training Program Flyer